Think about how you got enthusiastic toward amateur radio. For me, I was eight years old and it was through a cheap transistor AM radio. This passion has been unabated since that time, albeit not always top priority in the broader scheme of life. It’s my belief that most hams have a “burning love” of […]
The U.S. Ham Radio Market: Is It Dying?
Many ARRL members couldn’t get there from here…So they left. Here’s how to get them back
“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.“ Wizard of Oz (1939) This line from the classic movie, Wizard of Oz (1939), largely tells the tale of this article. The sidebar statement to the audience revealed that what was actually going on if the audience was astute enough to see it was not what […]
Are Amateur Radio National Society Members Really More “Active” Than Non-Members?
No, not really. Here’s actual evidence… In a previous article, I quoted current ARRL CEO David Minster NA2AA from one of his monthly Second Century columns in QST. I’ll reproduce it below: “We know, and have known for years, that ARRL members represent the lion’s share of active hams. Moves to grow the hobby…have grown […]