Hey! Where’d I Go?

I’ve been away from this blog for several months. Not intentionally, but out of circumstances. Besides struggling to complete a book manuscript for a March 15th publisher’s deadline, our work on the Magnolia Intertie Project has consumed much of my ham radio bandwidth. Magnolia Intertie Inc. is now a non-profit corporation in the State of Mississippi seeking our 501c3 standing with the IRS and subsequent approval to seek donations from the state’s Secretary of State’s Office. We have established an active working partnership with the Mississippi Hospital Association as our primary served agency. Getting mission statements, objectives, strategies to implement those ideas, and, oh yea, the money to pay for it all takes time and great cooperating Board members.

Besides serving as President of the non-profit corporation, I’ve built the supporting website and do the GIS work to plan repeater sites and so forth. Take a look at magnolia-intertie.com to watch our progress.

I’ll be back once the book manuscript is done and off to Springer in The Netherlands!

Updated: May 20, 2015 — 7:02 pm