Next on QSO Live!

We all hear about—and a very few get to go on them—DXpeditions. Off to the exotic places. But don’t leave home without your $$$$. DXpeditions are increasingly like United Way campaigns to fund. OK, but, like the defunct Curtis Mathes TVs, darn well worth it!


WTWW 5085 kHz Tuesdays 8:00pm CDT Lebanon TN

Our scheduled guest on Tuesday, November 3rd, is Bill Perkins KB4KFT, Vice President of the Atlanta Radio Club. Bill has a better idea! Local DXpeditions. Or LxPeditions. He’s been doing them for years as an activity of the century-old Atlanta Radio Club. Come listen to him tell you about it. What it is, how it works, and, honestly, just how much they are! Bill has also been President of the ARC on several occaisions. They are a big club, have an even bigger repeater system, and have been their since the origins of amateur radio. What makes clubs successful? We’ll ask Bill KB4KFT what makes the ARC keep on keeping on!

Join us on 5085 Khz, WTWW, Lebanon TN, at 8:00pm Central Time! If you’re shortwave-challenged, go to C. Crane who can quickly solve your problem. Or, listen to our live stream at

Updated: September 21, 2019 — 8:14 pm