Magnolia Intertie


Almost seven years ago (2012), I recognized that Mississippi had few linked repeaters around the state. As a result, the ability of active hams to communication with one another beyond, say 50 miles away on analog FM repeaters. After spending a year researching existing linked repeater systems (“Interties”), a small group of us created the Magnolia Radio Intertie, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in Mississippi. It consists of both APRS digipeaters and iGates as well as linked repeaters, centered in Central Mississippi thus far.

I spend a great deal of time on this project as current President but working with my partner, Mike McKay N5DU as Secretary-Treasurer and corporate lawyer, helps make it a good service activity. Thomas N4WDG and Jeff W5PPB are frequent collaborators. And donors have been generous. Nevertheless, it is a marathon rather than a sprint…

Getting antenna ready for installation on top of that steel beam
The Bird meter is happy….